No More Sewing!
These strips were created specifically for the new Boy Scouts of America Switchback pants, which come unhemmed, but can be used for any hemming need. Each sheet contains 8 strips, each 11 inches long, in a handy perforated configuration. Just tear off the strips as needed. It takes 2 strips for each leg so the kit will do 2 pairs of pants.
Now there is no need to hem the pantlegs too long. Stepping on the pantleg creates an unsightly ring when the hem is let down. Now hem the pants to the correct length and let the hem down as the wearer grows. Simply use Goo Gone®, or the original version of Goof Off®, (not Goof Off 2) or dry cleaning to remove the old hem and re-hem it with Badge Magic. With care, using Goo Gone you can often re-use the existing adhesive.
Watch the instructional video on pant hemming to see exactly how it's done!